For over three decades now I’ve taught hitting lessons to baseball and softball players at all levels. In previous years my typical lesson schedule was about 80 to 100 lessons a week. When it comes to understanding and fixing the mechanical make up of hitting a baseball or softball, I was and still am the biggest fan of believing that the batting tee will get that done for you. With that being said, my lesson schedule made me realize that it was very important for me to have a strong durable batting tee that would take a beating from users of all types and sizes and still survive the test of time.

For many of those years it seemed like I tried every tee on the market but all of them would end up breaking over a short period of time. The fact that my students were breaking so many of the conventional tees which were built poorly and or repeatedly falling apart at the base and the neck forced me to build my own tee. From having these major struggles with different batting tees, in the year of 2007 the idea of Eli’s Springback Tee came into existence.

I had to go through much trial and error along the way with different prototypes and tests before the Springback Tee was complete. My attempt to build a strong batting tee for my hitting lessons, turned into one of the most unique and common sense batting tees ever built. From the time the Springback tee reached the market and still today people describe it as being so simple but yet so ingenious.

The Springback Tee has rapidly become America’s favorite and most preferred batting tee period. Due to the combination of the weighted base and spring coil action and our custom made untearable rubber top brings forth some very new and cool benefits in a batting tee.

Thank you for choosing Eli’s Springback Tees

Eli Robinson/Founder


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